6 Survival Lessons for Entrepreneurs


Photo credit: @QueridaAgenda

In a recent episode, Bricia and Paulina sat down with designer Veronica M to talk about how she started her own business. Aside from creating super cute wearable designs, hers is an inspirational story about how a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and hard work pays off. 20 years into her fashion career that she started from the ground up, Veronica M dropped plenty of great advice and entrepreneurial gems on us, here are the 6 that stood out to us the most.

Work On Having A Positive Attitude

Everything is perception! Veronica reminds us that starting a business is hard and full of obstacles but that she’s learned from it and built on it in order to be successful. One of the key elements of having a positive attitude is the way we frame challenges and the various types of situations that will inevitable arise. Something that can help anyone have a more positive outlook is something as simple as their word choice. You can also refer back to our previous article about positive affirmation for more on how to use the power of your words. There will always be “ugly parts” but it’s how you get through them that makes you stronger and that much closer to reaching your business goals.

Invest In The Growth Of Your Business

From the beginning Veronica re-invested in her business. This can mean getting better supplies, networking, or learning a new skill.  Her mom was coming home from work tired and still helping her sew, so Veronica asked her Mom to teach her how to sew and construct garments. That’s investing in her craft, but she also invested in her equipment, “during my swap meet sales I always give [my mom] half and I saved half. Every penny I made I invested in scissors, in lights in my garage, cutting tables, in machines. So I just kept investing and investing and investing.” Whatever it is you need to do in order to compete at a higher level, get creative, get it moving, and get it done.

Doing Something Differently Doesn’t Mean You’re Doing It Wrong

It’s important to know what’s going on in your industry and knowing your community is key. Like Veronica said in her interview she learned to “follow the trends, but still keep it my thing.” But she also reminds us that being aware of your industry doesn’t mean you should be constantly comparing or trying to match what other people are doing. Veronica reiterated so many times that she noted other peoples work but didn’t let it influence her personal style or the way she intuitively vibes with certain prints and patterns. BUT that she did have to be aware of the business side of things, like following trends but still staying true to who she is as a designer.

Do Your Taxes!

Paying taxes as an LLC or a corporate entity is NOT the same as filing as an individual. Running a business usually means filing taxes quarterly. So you’ll also need to stay on top of the financial changes your business goes through with your bookkeeping since that generally means different forms and varying payments. Not being diligent about this can land you in hot water aka Tax Fraud! So while we’re not all tax experts you definitely need to find someone who is to make sure your finances are in order. You should also pay attention to what is being done and learn as much as you can about the process and proceedings.

Watch out for shady people who want to make a buck

This means making sure things like contracts and insurance are a part of your life, because you never know what someone is really up to and it’s better to be safe than sorry. After 20 years in the fashion industry Veronica has seen it all and now has the proper protections, “you have to do your business right if you want to be here for a long time. I’ve been through many tears but it made me stronger.” According to Entrepreneur.com you should stay abreast of financial laws, labor and employment laws, intellectual property laws, as well as marketing and advertising laws. You should also back up all business agreements with contracts, and back up your intellectual property with IP trademarks.

Make Sure Your Circle Is Willing To Support Your Dreams

Support system is key! Whether it’s your partner, your family, or your team members, we must remember to lean on the people who have our backs. Veronica tells us about how her mom always supported her and how her husband stepped up when she was barely building her business, “my husband stayed home he was like ‘I’ll watch the kids’ keep doing what you’re doing” she said. One of the biggest barriers women starting businesses will face on top of everything else is a lack of support from their partners and families. Without it, it’s very difficult to move forward. A partner that won’t prioritize your career might not be one worth investing in.

Want the full story? Tune into Episode 155 with Veronica M for more on her incredible journey!


Great feeding, happy baby, happy life!

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By: Paulina Lopez-Velazquez 


When I had Krista almost 7 years ago, being a first-time mom, I remember being extremely overwhelmed by all the choices I had to make.  From the diapers, to the stroller, car seat, even the type of diaper rash cream, and let’s not even talk about baby bottles.  How do you know which to go with, there are just too many to choose from! 

Honestly, I have tried a bunch of different ones with all my babies. People say you should go with the one that looks most like your breasts, I tried those. Other people told me I had to go with the ones that would give them less gas, I have tried lots of those! Some other ones just look cool and I must confess I have tried those too, but I always keep going back to the ones that have consistently work with all my three girls.  

I first tried Dr. Browns Natural Flow bottles with my oldest daughter when she was just a week old. I had a difficult delivery and my milk supply had suffered from it and so I had to supplement very early on. I had to do it again with my second baby when, at two weeks old, they told me I had to supplement due to weight loss on her end.  I was concerned with colic and nipple confusion but fortunately the internal vent system took care of that.  I must say that that is my favorite feature from the bottles because it not only prevents colic but also burping and gas, which results in a happy baby and a happy mom! I know a few friends that have suffered from bad colic with their babies and I have always recommended they tried these bottles to help cope with this problem.  I know that thankfully none of my babies suffered from that and I give credit to the use of Dr. Brown’s bottles.  


Now with my third baby I knew what bottle to use if I had any issues. Fortunately, this time around I was able to exclusively breastfeed for the first few months of her life, but I eventually had to go back to work and I had to start using baby bottles again.  At first I was just using the bottles that came with my breast pump but I started noticing lots of burping and lots of gas coming from my baby, so I knew exactly what I had to do.  I once again picked up my Dr. Brown bottles. This time around I went with the wide neck bottles  because the bottle is shaped in a way that is easier for baby Zixta to hold, now that she is a little older she can hold her own bottle while laying down or even sitting up which is a huge help for me as I have other two kids to look after. 

Having multiple kids always has me always looking for products that can make my life easier and my time most effective and I must say that Dr. Brown is one of those.  But most importantly it keeps my baby happy.  And we all know that a happy baby results in a happy mommy and a happy life! 

For More information, visit Dr. Brown and check this and all of their amazing products. 

Mothers Of Color in Academia

Photo by @lilyro_

Photo by @lilyro_

It’s official, women are out enrolling and out graduating men at the university level. And while it is exciting that women are more educated than ever their presence within the University hierarchy as professors and administrators is scarce. So what’s going on here?

Well, universities are by their very nature institutions of privilege that were built to reflect and accommodate the lives of their intended pupils-- white men. Women in the academic world still face gender based discrimination, are less likely to get tenure than male colleagues (only 1 in 4 college presidents are women), and they graduate only to face a mountain of student loan debt that is difficult to repay since they are paid less for all forms of their labor. For women of color the same economic, social, and institutional barriers that make entering higher education difficult continue to manifest once inside the Ivory Tower. Of the 178,547 doctoral students who completed a degree in the 2014-2015 academic year, only 21% were women of color. But the barriers are compounded once again when they have children. In the higher rungs of academia the stakes and the expectations are that much higher, yet we rarely hear about how difficult it is for mothers of color to finish their post grad programs with the very little support from they tend to receive from the administration.

On large university campuses one of the top concerns for new mothers is not only the presence but the availability of lactation rooms. It does no one good to have lactation rooms on the other side of campus. It’s something Maricela Beccerra has first hand experience with as a mother of two who is pursuing her doctoral degree in Contemporary Mexican Literature at UCLA. It was her struggle to find a lactation room near on UCLA’s enormous campus that first lead her to join the group Mothers Of Color in Academia in order to find some real solutions.

“The fact that no one knew that parents, or lactating moms in this case, existed on campus-- that was a big shock to some people. We’ve been asking for rooms, in my department for example, I’m one of nine or eleven moms, I think, last time I counted, and the fact that my department never considered making a space for us. People were shocked that we were demanding a space. That is a right by the way-- in California your employer has to provide you with a space to lactate” - Maricela Beccerra

But fighting for more lactating rooms was only the beginning, together the women of MOCA have dedicated themselves to improving conditions and resources for all mothers of color at UCLA as well as other colleges and universities. So far they have chapters at UCSB and Rio Hondo College, “we want people to acknowledge parent students, especially our parenting students of color” Baccerra said. “There aren’t that many of us to begin with and we want to let them know that we’re there.” But there is so much more on MOCA’s to do list some of which include: affordable insurance coverage, subsidized carpool parking, housing subsidy for parenting students, evening and weekend childcare, on campus early care facilities, as well as improved physical and mental health resources. There is also what Baccerra calls “the money issue” that’s associated with student teaching or TAing. Doctoral candidates are also expected to teach classes, grade papers, prepare courses and course materials, as well as all of the responsibilities of being students themselves on top of being mothers. It’s something she says makes achieving her dreams of being a professor that much harder since a TA makes around 20k a year and realistically how can anyone TA, take a full course load, work another job to make up the difference and still have time to dedicate to their child? “I got very lucky because I’ve had a bunch of fellowships, but at the same time I’m the one that supports my family, so I cannot provide on 20 grand per year. It's a joke” she said.

But the lack of support is also something Latinas in particular experience both from society and family when they decide to pursue higher education. “I have Tias and Tios that tell me, ‘Oh you just read books for a living. That’s all you do at school you just read books.’ --They don’t see my PhD as a job even though its takes like 40-60 hours a week out of my time, but for them it's like a hobby” Baccerra laughs. There is also the issue of people belittling women who “choose” to have kids during their stint in college. In reality by the time women reach the end of their post graduate studies many are well into their 30’s, and as we know there is a biological timeframe here. It’s something that Baccerra says is always a topic of debate for those who don’t see women of color as a group deserving special services, “I always get that argument that, ‘Oh you wanted to be a mom.’ I mean listen, I’m a grad student I’m not 22, 21- even if I was, I mean it's your choice to have a kid- but as a grad student if you want to be a mom you have to do it while you’re studying. There is no other way. Biologically your body tells you that it’s time” she said. “So you have to think of all of that and I think we have the right to have a family if we chose to, and also get our degree.”

Ultimately what MOCA offers is a community of women who have each others backs in a real way. And isn’t that the way it should always be?

“At the end of the day we only have each other, and we’re in this together. I think one of the biggest things MOCHA has done for me is provide me with a bunch of comadres that can help me take care of my kids and also support me as I’m trying to get my degree.” - Maricela Beccerra

To learn more about Mothers Of Color in Academia you can join their facebook page here, follow them on instagram @mothersofcolorinacademia.




5 Things We Can Do to Raise Politically Conscious Children


Super papacito, actor, writer and activist Kendrick Sampson talked to us about so many things and answered so many questions we had about race, politics, and how to touch on and teach those subjects to our children. But one of the biggest takeaway was these 5 things we can all to do raise more empathetic, politically engaged children.

1. Teach them to see color

“number one thing we shouldn’t do is to teach children to “not see color.”  - Kendrick S.

Our differences make us who we are, our skin color informs the way we exist in the world and that should not be erased. Teaching children that differences are not valuable teaches them intolerance. Similarly teaching children that “being of color” is bad reinforces the idea that people of color are bad. Which is made that much more detrimental if you’re raising children of color.

2. Making it normal to talk about uncomfortable topics

“we’re taught not to talk about the most important things that show you what people’s values are. Sex, race, religion, politics, we’re taught not to talk about deep things.” - Kendrick S.

We no longer live in a time where we can shield our children from what is happening in this country and in the world. Don’t be afraid to answer their questions with real information. Because think about it, If you are not teaching your children to talk about or express the questions they have on the tough issues what kind of adults will they become? And what kind of information will they ingest trying to find answers on their own? We need to raise children that feel comfortable standing up for what is right.

3. Be proud of who you are

For Latinos it can feel easier and safer to shrink or change who we are in order to avoid being aligned with all the negative images being circulated about us. But this is not the time for that. Realistically the only thing you can do to fight those stereotypes is to be a loud positive representation of your people in your community and to your family. What lesson are you teaching your children by denying your culture and heritage?

4. Celebrate the ethnic identities of others

Too often we get swept up in believing our culture is the best or that our people are the best, when in reality that is subjective. It’s also paving the road for xenophobia and racism. We can be proud without demeaning others, we should teach our children to explore and appreciate what they do not understand instead of rejecting, hating or being fearful of it. This means taking the time to thoughtfully understand and celebrate the way people different from us live. It also means finding what unites us.

5. Ask questions

“be interested in other people, ask them questions and make mistakes, and when you make those mistakes you apologize and teach your friends not to make those same mistakes.”  - Kendrick S. 

We can’t be expected to know everything about everything but as adults it IS our responsibility to educate ourselves. That doesn’t mean burdening other people with educating us, but we can definitely: ask for resources, do our own research, follow people in social justice on social media, and read as much as we can about the topics we want to teach our kids.

What are some of the ways you’re raising more politically conscious kids? Let us know in the comments! And for our full conversation with Kendrick check out episode 152: 4th of july special with actor & activist, kendrick sampson.


Why You Should Make Affirmations A Part of Your Morning Routine

Photo by @lilyro_

Photo by @lilyro_

As we discuss in Episode 150 our words matter. So much so that our beautiful guest Liz Hernandez started Wordaful, a video series showcasing the power of words and importance of how they are used. As Liz tells us, our words are powerful and can shape everything in our lives. They impact our relationships with family and friends as well as our self perception. They also give us the ability take our lives from negative to positive-- and vice versa. But what is positive affirmation? Well, put simply it’s speaking words that help cultivate our highest good by verbally affirming our desired actions in order to make them reality. It’s a process that needs to be backed up with action of course, but according to Dr. Carmen Harra,

“in the sequence of thought-speech-action, affirmations play an integral role by breaking patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions.”

But how do we use the power of words? Well it’s something that Liz says takes repetition and a willingness to retrain your brain

“I practice affirmations every single day. I really believe they’re powerful. Even if you don’t believe it when you first say it, we’re training the subconscious to think about it. And whatever you think is what you become.”

If we think what we become, imagine what all that negative self speak is doing to our families, relationships, and goals. No bueno! Lucky for us she gave us the rundown on what kind of affirmations she does everyday.

“Every morning I read from two prayer books I write in my gratitude journal two things that I’m grateful for and then I go right into my 7 affirmations and I write one for my mind, and my body, my soul, my family, my social, my business, and my money.”

So just like Liz, we can single out the things in 7 areas of our lives that we want to support and strengthen. “ ‘I am’ are the most powerful words in the universe because whatever follows that is one or the other” she said in our interview.

You can start by visualizing and saying:

Mind: My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.

Body: My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.

Soul: My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being.

Family: I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.

Social: Many people look up to me and recognize my worth; I am admired.

Business: My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.

Money: I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.

For more on the power of words tune to our latest episode with Liz here, EPISODE 150: THE POWER OF WORDS W/ WORDAFUL'S LIZ HERNANDEZ. You can find even more of Dr. Harra’s affirmations here you can also make up your own. Drop your favorite affirmations in the comments!


5 Pieces of Great Marriage Advice From Our Dad

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This past Sunday we took some time out to celebrate the  men in our lives. And on our special Father’s day episode we had a great conversation with our Dad about the challenges of raising a family, what it was like coming to the US, and how he’s stepping into his role as a Grandfather. But Papa Lopez definitely dropped some gems on us even though he didn’t think he had any insight-- so modest! He gave us some great marriage advice, the kind that can only be learned under fire.


1. Happy Wife Happy Life:

Although marriage rates have declined significantly from 72% in 1960 to just 50% today, there are still a plenty of people taking the plunge according to the Pew Research Center. Saying that marriage is hard, is an understatement but our Dad says that it’s never going to be easy. And that working things out, keeping your wife happy and putting your family first is a must. “We are no longer the owner of our lives when we have kids,” he says.


2. Think of your family as a unit:

One of the main takeaways from this episode was that your family is one and needs to be dealt with as such. Although Dad admits that our Mom is primarily responsible for holding the family together through the tough times, he was always willing to work on his marriage because he wanted to do what was best for the family as a whole.


3. Everything in life is practice:

Dad says when things get tough you need to be willing to try over and over. Like everything in life, strengthening a relationship takes practice and that means repetition as well as a willingness to dust yourself off and try again because “it’s a thing you have to practice every day.”


4. Think of others:

Although our Dad admits he wasn’t always the best husband, he recognizes the sacrifices our Mom had to make for the sake of their marriage and us kids. Even though he wishes some things had gone differently it’s clear that it was their ability to anticipate each others needs and see the big picture, that allowed our parents to stay together.


5. Learn from your mistakes:

One of the most heartwarming things is our Dad’s sincerity in admitting he didn’t always say or do the right thing--but really, who does? Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes but we have to be willing to take responsibility and work hard on making it right. He said that he’s making it right through his relationship with his grandchildren, who he loves with all his heart. And also by being open and honest with us about the things he knows he messed up on.

Tune into our Father’s Day episode for some great stories from our childhoods and for more advice from our dad! 






We all want to be healthy and happy. It’s why we exercise, it’s why we go to the doctor, and why we do things we enjoy. But as Reiki healer Millana Snow reminded us, we tend to ignore a potentially hazardous problem that can affect anything from our mood to our physical body-- stagnant energy. This is where Reiki and other forms of energy healing come into play, in particular Reiki is a Japanese therapy method based on your auric field and your chakra system. But what are chakras? As Snow explained “a chakra is an energy center in your body, it’s a part of your being that is not just your physical body but it’s interconnected to all parts of your being. Emotional, mental, physical and spiritual and your chakras system is connected to those 4 basic foundational levels of who you are.” The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit based on the alignment of the chakras and the loops of energy that they create around the body. There are 7 main chakras that are associated with specific colors that reflect the different frequencies of each energy center: Root (red), Sacral chakra (orange), Solar Plexus (yellow), Heart (green), Throat (blue), Third Eye (indigo), Crown (violet). But why should we care about our chakras? Well, there are 3 main reasons as to why clearing and aligning your chakras is important.

1. Unbalanced chakras can cause physical, mental, spiritual and emotional problems

The energy we emit and reflect affects our relationships, our jobs, our bodies and the way we show up in the world. Blockages and overactive chakras manifest depending on which ailments are associated with that specific energy field. For example: the root chakra is associated with the physical body, basic survival/needs, and our connection to the Earth. if your root chakra is blocked you may experience feeling "stuck" and unable to move forward emotionally. It may also cause depression and anxiety as well as lower-back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal/anal problems, impotence, and water retention, among other things. Balancing your energy means you’ll be healing all the different areas of your life, and who doesn’t want to do that?

2. Low vibrations could be holding you back

Your chakras represent the flow of energy in your body so it’s literally the difference between going through life feeling exhausted and burnt out or being vibrant and present. Aligning and opening your body’s energy centers can improve all the areas of your life and it can also help you figure out what is going on with you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually on a more basic level. As Snow puts it “every tone has a certain frequency its demarcation of how fast it’s vibrating, just like every tone or every song has a vibration so do we as people.” When we vibrate higher we are more open and susceptible to positivity and light, whereas when we vibrate lower there is a tendency to be more sluggish and sad. A person vibrating higher is more likely to exude and attract positivity.

3. Working on your chakras promotes mindfulness

Essentially what we’re doing when we actively work on balancing our energy centers is dealing with the buildup caused by past experiences and emotions. Much in the same way we seek out therapists to break old patterns or heal old wounds, Snow reminds us that the basis of mindfulness is recognizing “how things have affected you and how those things affected you right now.” Introducing this kind of awareness into your self care routine may help put things into perspective and foster a different outlook. There are many other methods for removing stagnant energy besides Reiki too, there is crystal healing, meditation, reflexology, yoga, and acupuncture just to name a few.

For more on chakras, Reiki, and vibrations tune into episode 148: reiki 101 with Millana Snow


Bricia's Meal Planning Tips


Meal prepping may seem like a lot of work, but trust me it’s soooo worth it. One thing I’ve learned is that the more decisions you have to make, the more brainpower you have to use. Here's the trick- by eliminating the ultimate “what’s for dinner?” question we deal with as moms EVERY. DAY. you’re going to have one less thing to worry about. After week 1, you’re going to realize how much brainpower you’ve freed up & you'll feel like this guy right here: 

Not only does meal prepping help me figure out dinner for 5 days straight, it encourages me to make a strategic grocery list, which ultimately cuts waste and saves money. Yes, ladies! No more throwing away food & saving money all at once!

I usually begin on Sunday evenings by writing down the menu for the week. I take into consideration recipes that are healthy, can be easily be reheated for dinner and that can be put both into Eddie’s and my husband's lunch boxes. This step usually takes me about an hour, this includes gathering recipes and putting my grocery list together.  I like to use the Notes app in my iPhone. It’s simple and works for me. If you have an android, try using google sheets .

(this is a screen record of what my notes app looks like)

Monday night after work, I head to the grocery store. If I finish my menu early, I order all my groceries online via Amazon Prime Now and get them delivered straight to my house the night before. Then it takes about 3-4 hours for the recipes to come together. 

After everything is cooked, Eddie helps me fill up our glass Pyrex containers and then we pop them in our fridge. 

Once you’ve done this for 4-6 weeks straight, you’ll wonder why you’ve never done this before. At this point, you’ll also already have your menu and recipes favorites and know which recipes were hits and which were only one-hit wonders. 

Here are some links to the recipes that’ve become our family favorites over the months: 

Mint-Pistachio Pesto (this can be easily mixed w any pasta) 

Chicken Breasts Dijon

Make-Ahead Broccoli and Quinoa Salad

Homemade Vegetarian Chili

Healthy Cauliflower Rice

Mini Turkey Meatballs

Chicken Picadillo Taquitos

Let me know how meal planning works with you guys in the comments below! 


5 Steps to Producing the Event of your Dreams

Photo by: Lily Ro, @lilyro_

Photo by: Lily Ro, @lilyro_

Written by: Bricia Lopez, @bricialopez

Event production is no joke, ladies. It sucks the life out of you and it's a rollercoaster of emotions and a non-stop workday (and night) BUT there is a silver lining 😅. After the event is done and you see the the face's of all the people who attended and see how much fun they had, all the hours you worked makes it all worth it. 

I've recently been getting emails from friends/colleagues who are thinking of producing their own event and seeking advice on how to start. So in response to that, I created this post to provide you and any other women, friend, family member who are seeking tips on event production and need a nudge in the right direction. 

Lets get started ....

Step #1: Define your Purpose

Get a notebook, a pen and write down the purpose of your event.  Really, what is it that you (and your partners) want to achieve?  Why are you willing to invest your time and resources (and believe me, it will be a lot) into this? This answer will drive the rest of your decisions, so it is very important you write it down. Whenever you need to make any tough decision, refer back to this. 

Step #2: Visualize it from Beginning to End

Put yourself in the eyes of your guests.  What is the first thing you want them to see when they come in? What do you want them to experience throughout the event? Does their experience drive your purpose?  Start with the entrance- where do they come in from? Is there a sign there? If so, what does it look like?  What are the first booths they encounter? Who is managing those booths, if they have questions, who do they ask?  What is the weather like?  Is it going to be hot? If so, do you have enough areas with shade?  etc, etc. 

Step #3: Make a Blueprint of the Logistics

After you have done that, capture everything you think needs to get done to achieve your vision.  Do you need get power, tents, volunteers, shading areas, seating space? if so, how many and how much? Who will be the point person for all vendors?  Do you need signage, do you need rentals, a photographer to capture all of the moments?  Do you need to create/execute “Instagram-able moments” so people are encouraged to share their experience? 

Step #4: Categorize Responsibilities

After you have captured the logistics, chunk responsibilities into categories.  For example, lighting, audio and rentals can be one category.  Design, volunteers, and signage can be a second category.  And so on.  Categorize it however it makes sense to you. 

Step #5: Build your Dream Team

Bring a group of people together who share the same purpose and visualization of the event (steps 1 & 2) as you do and are people you trust and are equally as invested in the event as you are.  Go with you gut. You must feel comfortable enough to delegate each one of those categories you created above. Once you have your tribe, delegate those categories accordingly. 

More (v important) advice


Its hard to say how much $$ you'll need to start planning this out (but that's because I don't personally know what your purpose or vision is, how big or small the space you envision your event being in, etc).  I would highly recommend you begin by requesting quotes from vendors and building your budgets that way before any of you commit or announce anything. 


Thinking of doing everything yourself?  Don’t even try it.  You are going to need a team of people who you feel comfortable working with and who, again, share the purpose and vision.  Otherwise, its just not going to work.

Key Takeaway

Take your time doing steps 1 and 2, these are super important! These are the steps that will guide you through your meetings, approvals and difficult decisions. 

Have any other questions or thoughts on this? Leave a comment below! 


#SMSocial18, Avocado Contest & our Pregnancy Cravings


This post is sponsored by Aguacates Frescos – Saborea Uno Hoy®, however all opinions shared here are our own.


When my sister and I were pregnant we were always looking for healthy food options. One of our favorite go-to foods was definitely avocados. We would put it in our smoothies, layer it on top of our toast and would even chop it up and put it in our caldo de pollo (that’s sounds real good right now, btw). We love it so much, we now feed it to our kids - even Zixta - and they enjoy it as much as we do.

Fresh avocados are a great option for expecting mamas. The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics lists avocados as a healthful fat that can help women achieve a balanced diet and have a healthy pregnancy. Healthy avocados contain naturally good fats which are known to be important for normal growth and development of the baby’s central nervous system and brain. Plus, fresh avocados provide a good source of folate per serving which is important for developing a baby’s brain function and reducing the risk for premature births and birth defects.

Cravings tend to come out of nowhere and be overpowering so best to have a plan in place. Our friend, Registered Dietitian Sylvia Meléndez-Klinger is a spokesperson for Aguacates Frescos – Saborea Uno Hoy and explains “Stock[ing] your kitchen with nutrient-rich items that are versatile, satisfying and can save you from tempting unhealthy options. Avocados are a good source of fiber so each bite helps you stay feeling full longer. Try this new recipe for Cuban-style Grilled Salmon with Avocado, Baby Tomato and Herb Salsa. The avocado’s creaminess pairs nicely with the salmon, one of the richest sources of DHA and EPA. Visit Saborea Uno Hoy’s Avocados, Pregnancy & Babies page for more information on how to incorporate fresh avocados into your daily diet.”

For all you pregnant super mamas out there with the same love (and crave) for avocados, we have a very special contest opportunity for you sisters taking place on Instagram now until May 30th. In the ABC’s of Prenatal Nutrition- Avocados, Bellies & Cravings contest you can share why you’re eating avocados during your pregnancy for a chance to win prizes. The late night avocado toast or guac and chips snack that we all love will help you win big. You’re already posting pics about it, why not enter?

The winner of the contest gets a $500 gift card to BuyBuyBaby and Love One Today® diaper bag filled with baby gear. The five runner ups receive a Love One Today® diaper bag + baby gear. ☺This is a total Oprah moment.

Here is how to enter:

  • POST* a photo of your avocado craving on Instagram during the month of May and tell us why you’re eating avocados during your pregnancy
  • TAG the photo with #LoveOneTodayMom and #contest
    • *Account must be visible to public in order to be part of the photo gallery.
    • *Participant must be on their journey to motherhood.
    • *Participants are responsible for properly disclosing sponsored contest entry, in accordance with FTC Endorsement Guides (e.g. #contest).
    • *For full Terms & Conditions, please click here.

Also, be sure to visit our nursing cabana this year for some delicious avocado paletas sponsored by Aguacates Frescos – Saborea Uno Hoy and Gourmaletas. Take a pic, share it on Instagram and enter the contest!

See you all there!


Keynote Panel at SM Social ’18


Every year we try to outdo ourselves by bringing you the ultimate Super Mamá experience and we definitely accomplished that this year! We are beyond honored to hold a special Keynote Panel at #SMSocial18 with our ultimate mom crush….

Chef Marcela

Marcela Valladolid is an Emmy nominated celebrity chef, lifestyle personality, designer, author and businesswoman.  She most recently appeared as a co-host on the Emmy nominated show “The Kitchen” for the Food Network and will next be seen as a celebrity budget in the second season of “Best Baker In America” for the Food Network which premieres May 7th.  Her last book, CASA MARCELA, was a national best seller and she is currently working on her 4th book “Fiestas at Casa Marcela."

We absolutely LOVE Chef Marcela and we can’t wait to talk discuss all the incredible projects she’s working on and get to know her a bit more. We’ll be talking about her career as a chef, the impact her own mother had on her love for cooking and she’ll also be sharing with us an exclusive Mother’s Day recipe. 

THANK YOU to our sponsor AT&T for making our dreams come true! It’s true what they say; if you set your intentions it will manifest itself into the world. 

For all the Super Mamás dying to meet her, you will get the opportunity at AT&T’s corner. Not only will you meet and snag a pic with Chef Marcela, she will also be giving away 10 signed books! Are you excited yet? 

If you haven’t bought your ticket, now’s the time! Check us out on SuperMamaSocial.com



Super Mamás Social '18 #OOTD Inspo


Sisters! As moms we barely have time to get ready in the mornings, but not on May 12th (or even the rest of Mother's Day weekend)! Use this weekend before the social as an opportunity to treat yourself and shop for some special pieces.

We always need some #OOTDInspo so we partnered with Mari Salinas, from @VayaconFashion to bring you outfits to slay in at the #SMSocial18.  Use these boards as guidelines to your perfect outfit .

See you all on Saturday, May 12th! Buy tickets here.


Super Mamás Social '18 Vendors


Every single year we make it a point to fill our marketplace with the best brands for you all to enjoy and of course, the best food. This year our marketplace will be turned into a Pop-Up Alley where you can visit each vendor with ease and comfort.

Here are the amazing brands you all love (and will soon be OBSESSED with) joining us this year: 

After you pick up your delicious lunch from Toma Leche you can purchase some delicious dessert from our food vendors: 

AND enjoy complimentary I Love Micheladas all day long 


Super Mamás Social 18’ - What to Expect


Hi Sisters! We are SUPER excited for you to join us at this year’s #SMSocial18. Our Super Mamás team has been working extremely hard to bring you all the experience of a lifetime. We wanted to give you a sneak peak of what to expect and help you plan your day: 

Once you arrive, park your stroller and hand your “keys” off to Ergo at their Stroller Valet. They’ll also be lending out limited amount of omni 360 carriers for you to enjoy the event hands-fee. #PonteTrucha

Schedule your appointment to get your triple B’s (braids, blowouts & brows) done & visit Cha Cha Covers for your favorite nail decals. Check her out on IG @chachacovers for some inspo.


Pamper yourself with high-end beauty products while your kids turn pages in Target's Bilingual lounge. If you happen to leave your diaper bag at home, don’t worry- Target will have your back with a nursing and changing station with lots of goodies. Get ready to celebrate all of our #TARGETMAMAWINS!  


Our wonderful friends of Toma Leche will have your back this year in our picnic area, providing lunch and cold milk for all of our attendees.  They will also have the cutest lunch totes for you to take home with you.   


Mother’s Day weekend is filled with that special 4-letter word. Be sure to say it loud & proud and write it BIG on Munchkin’s Love Wall. 

Take a snack break with McDonald’s and enjoy delicious crisp apples and parfaits. We’re definitely Lovin’ it. 


Sip on a cold-pressed Suja Juice (our favorite is Glow) while you and your kids enjoy a succulent planting workshop. Imagine succulents on your windowsill or office desk 👌🏽 👌🏽 👌🏽


Attention Mamas! Stock up on free parenting resources like bilingual children's storybooks and healthy and fun cookbooks, while your little ones color special crowns and browse First 5 California's book nook.  Also, be sure to join their special story time and dance party session; First 5 California  will be giving away copies of their latest book along with fun maracas! #talkreadsing



Don’t miss your photo opp with Delta and snag your paper plane- beautiful things grow out of unexpected places *wink*wink*

Sit & relax in our lush Expecting Mommy Cabana while you enjoy complimentary paletas from Gourmaletas in partnership with the Saborea Uno Hoy.  They will also have a special treat for all of our  mommies - to - be (hint, it includes the word rub and feet)  


IG posting, IG story’ing and Snapchatting take a lot from your battery- be sure to keep that phone charged at AT&T’s charging station to avoid any missed moments! Such as your opportunity to meet & greet the one and only, Chef Marcela!


For all the super papas out there, don’t worry- we got you covered. Visit our Super Papa Arcade and play your all-time favorite arcade games like Street Fighter, Pac Man and more. 

We’re also introducing our Niño Square, where kids can enjoy being kids. They’ll be climbing, running, tumbling and laughing all day long.

With so many great activities going on, make sure to be present in the moment. This day is for YOU! Enjoy this as much as you can, sisters. 

Wondering about our awesome vendors and food options? Click here. Also, have a question? Visit our FAQ page here.


Do Good, Feel Good

Thank you to Warner Bros. for sponsoring this post.  Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. Gang have teamed up with generationOn, the youth family division of Points of Light, to Thank you to Warner Bros. for sponsoring this post.  Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. Gang have teamed up with generationOn, the youth family division of Points of Light, to inspire, equip and mobilize kids, parents and Scooby-Doo fans to create meaningful change in their communities.



A few months back I received an email from my three-year-old’s school telling us that the kids were going to do street trash clean-up to start teaching environment awareness.  In my mind, I thought “how cute” but in all honesty I didn’t think Sabina would get it, little did I know that after that day she would made it her mission to pick up all the trash she sees in the street because as she says, “we have to love our planet.” Yes, she is so right!

Hace algunos meses, recibí un correo de la escuela de Sabina, mi hija de 3 anos, donde me decíanque los niños iban a tener un día donde iban a recoger basura en la calle, para empezar a aprender acerca de cuidar nuestro medio ambiente.   En mi mente, yo pensé que era algo súper lindo, pero honestamente no pensé que Sabina entendería el concepto.  ¡Nunca me hubiera imaginado que después de ese día, ella iba  tener la costumbre y misión de recoger cualquier basurita que viera en la calle, por que como ella dice, “tenemos que salvar el planeta,” ¡Y la verdad es que tiene mucha razón!

Ever since, I have been finding ways to get both her and Krista more involved and educated on the subject, so I was super happy when I was invited to join Scooby-Doo and generationOn, on the #DooGood Campaign where they make it their mission to get kids, parents and fans involved into taking action to create meaningful change in the community. 

Desde entonces, he estado tratando de encontrar maneras para que tanto Krista como ella, estén mas involucradas y educadas en el tema, así que me alegro mucho haber sido invitada a unirme a la campaña #DooGood de Scooby-Doo y generationOn, donde su misión es hacer que todos los niños, padres y fans se involucren y tomen acción para crear un cambio significativo en la comunidad.
Scooby Group.jpg

A few Sundays ago, Krista and I got to participate in a full day Mystery Mission. That morning we got together with other kids and parents and we were picked up by the Mystery Machine. We then were taken to a secret location where we were received by Scooby-Doo himself!   We figured out we were at a local Middle School and our mission was to help a group of Farm Rangers build an edible garden for the students of Mid-City Prescott School.  Krista was super excited and jumped right into it.  I was super surprised of how much she can do now, she wasn’t afraid of picking up a shovel to fill out a wheelbarrow with horse fertilizer, then she jumped to pulling out weeds from the dirt, she learned how to plant different seeds and she even got to practice some team work skills while planting a whole tree in the ground with other kids and Scooby-Doo!

Hace algunos domingos, Krista y yo participamos en una súper Misión Misteriosa.  Esa mañana fuimos recogidos junto con otros papas y niños en la Maquina Misteriosa nos llevaron a una locación secreta, ¿y saben quién nos recibió? ¡Scooby Doo! Nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos en una escuela local donde nos dieron la misión de ayudar a un grupo de voluntarios a sembrar un jardín comestible para losestudiantes de Mid-City Prescott School.  Krista estaba súper emocionada y no dudó en ponerse en acción.  ¡La verdad me sorprendió cuanto ya puede hacer ahora, no tuvo miedo a levantar una pala y llenar la carretilla de abono de caballo! De ahí se siguió a sacar toda la hierba de la tierra, ¡aprendió a sembrar diferentes semillas y hasta aprendió más acerca del trabajo en equipo cuando tuvo que plantar un árbol completo con otros niños y Scooby-Doo!

The best thing about the whole experience was knowing that the next day the students would walk in to a whole new edible garden! They would now have the opportunity not only to learn about sustainability but they would eventually also enjoy the veggies the kids planted.  I also realized that change starts with a small action, the fact that we were lending a hand (and a paw) by doing something fun on a Sunday morning will have such a great impact on the environment and in our community. It is so great to know that Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. Gang are leading the charge in taking the “mystery” out of helping the environment, there are many ways we can help solve the world’s environmental challenges with local action and you can too! 

¡Lo mejor de toda la experiencia fue saber que el día siguiente los estudiantes llegarían a disfrutar su nuevo jardín comestible!  Tendrían la oportunidad no solo de aprender acerca de la sustentabilidad, pero en un futuro no tan lejano también van a poder disfrutar de todos los vegetales que sembramos ese día.  También me di cuenta de que el cambio puede empezar con tan solo una pequeña acción, al estar echando una mano (o pata en el caso de Scooby-Doo) haciendo algo divertido en una mañana de domingo tendrá un impacto mucho más grande en el medio ambiente y en nuestra comunidad.  Es increíble saber que Scooby-Doo y el Mystery Inc. Gang están al frente de remover el “misterio” de cómo ayudar al medio ambiente, hay muchísimas maneras en las que todos podemos ayudar a solucionar los retos ambientales con acción local, ¡y tú también puedes ayudar!

If you are wondering how you can help visit HEREto join the gang and take action! From recycling to, creating your own garden, to even grabbing a few friends and organizing a local beach clean-up. We are super inspired by this campaign and we have already signed up for more activities like these in school. If we all do our part together there is no issue we can’t solve.  

Si te preguntas como puedes ayudar, visita AQUÍ para unirte a la pandilla y tomar acción. Desde proyectos de reciclaje o crear tu propio jardín, hasta juntar a algunos amigos y organizar un día de limpieza en la playalocal.  Nosotras quedamos súper inspiradas por la campaña y ya nos hemos apuntado para más actividades como esta en nuestras escuelas.  Si todos ponemos de nuestra parte, ¡no hay ningún problema que no podamos resolver!

To celebrate the campaign, we are giving away five (5) one-year Boomerang subscriptions! Laugh with all the cartoons you love, stream more than 2000 episodes with your favorite icons like Scooby-Doo, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry and more! All you have to do is leave a comment below and share with me how you will #DoGood! The winners will be selected at random on May 8, 2018.

Para celebrar la campaña, estamos regalando cinco (5) subscripciones  de un año para Boomerang! Ríe con todas las caricaturas que te encantan, tienen más de 2000 episodios de tus personajes favoritos como Scooby-Doo, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry ¡y más! Todo lo que tienes que hacer es dejar tu comentario en la parte de abajo y dime cómo vas a hacer el bien (#DooGood). Los ganadores serán seleccionados al azar el próximo 8 de mayo, 2018.

Thank you to Warner Bros. and Boomerang for providing these products. Giveaway open to adults 18+ based in the United States. Limited to one submission per person.


I was selected by Warner Bros. to participate in the Doo Good Campaign. The content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Win a Trip to #SMSocial18 with Delta


Pack your bags ladies, one of you is coming to LA!  One lucky Super Mama will be joining us on May 12th for this years Social.  Seriously, can we just take a moment. This is pretty wild. Never in a million years did we ever think we would get here.   Dream and Believe sisters, one of you will be flying into LA pretty soon! 

To enter, we are asking you all to upload your favorite #SuperMamasMoment on your stories.  Now, they have to be 15 sec or less, because you know, we are all moms and we got sh*t to do.  Make it your own, make it funny, emotional, but most important, keep it real.  

Thank you to our wonderful partner Delta.   Now let’s get to posting sisters!



  • Two Delta Vouchers ($1,000 value)
  • Two night Hotel in Downtown LA
  • 1 Super Mama Swag Ticket
  • 1 Super Papa Ticket (or) 1 Super Mamas GA ticket


  • Share a 15 sec #SuperMamasMoment on your IG Stories
  • Tag @_SuperMamas and @Delta


  • Contest is open to Super Mama podcast listeners and subscribers
  • You must be 18 years or older and a US resident to enter.
  • You must submit via Instagram Stories
  • Posts must be featured on your Instagram Stories for 24 hours.
  • Participants must tag @Delta, and @_SuperMamas
  • Participants must use these hashtags: #SuperMamasMoment #Contest.
  • You may enter up to five times per day with original posts.
  • All Entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m. ET on April 20, 2018 to be considered.

This is My New Normal


Photo by @Lilyro_  Robe Kimono by @dmodamia  Krista 's top: @hm_kids    Skirt: @folklorebk   Sabina's Dress: @folklorebk    Zixta's Romper :@folklorebk  

By: Paulina Lopez-Velazquez @iampaulinalopez

A few days ago, i was looking through some pictures of me and the girls and it hit me, I am now the mother of THREE KIDS!! I know, what a breakthrough, right? But seriously, I think that everything has been so crazy after baby Zixta was born that I really haven’t stopped and take it all in.

The first few months are such a fog in my brain, i was so lost and broken that I just couldn’t or just didn’t even want to think about it.  i completely lost myself in the process of trying to hold on to my life before the baby. I wanted to be and feel “normal” again, I wanted control of my life. Get up and get going as it nothing had happened, after all I had been able to do it through my pregnancy. I had it all planned in my head, and nothing went according to plan. That drove me constantly crazy, I put so much stress on my body that I drove myself sick I retrieved from the world and increased my depression.

photo by @Lily_ro    Jacket by: @dmodamia

photo by @Lily_ro    Jacket by: @dmodamia


Those days are fading away slowly and each day things get better, I think I was too afraid of not being able to handle everything at the same time, work, home, my social life, friends etc.  And you know what, the truth is that I can’t.  At least not yet, and I’m learning to be ok with it. I have a new baby that needs me (or maybe I need her more), I have had to slow down and let go of trying to achieve perfection.  Every day is very different, some days go by easy, everyone cooperates and we make it on time to school, work, church or whatever commitment we have without any tears or fights. I find time to pick everyone’s clothes and do everyone’s hair (including mine) make color pancakes and even leave the house behind looking decent.  I might even squeeze in doing our grocery shopping with all three, or a quick trip to whatever fun event is happening around town (like really quick trips).  Wow I am a Super Mama!

But for real, most days are NOT like that, they are actually super crazy, there are fights and tears happening as early as 7 am.  I’m scrambling to get everyone ready and out the door with at least shoes on and a clean face, we have to take whatever I manage to throw on a paper plate to eat on the way while I barely brushed my teeth and put up my hair up on a pony tail.  If we have a commitment there is a 99% chance that I’m going to be late or even have to cancel.  When I do show I’m probably going to show up looking like someone is chasing me down the street.  I usually have milk stains on my clothes and realize that I don’t remember when was the last time I washed my hair or find myself asking, have I eaten today? When I’m running late, Zixta most likely will have a diaper explosion (no joke) or Sabina will spill food on her clothes, Krista will decide she must take that one toy we haven’t seen in days or she can’t remember where she put her homework 5 minutes ago.  Those days are hard, at the end of the day I am so spent that I put my head down and I’m gone in less than 3 seconds, with a dirty face, clothes and glasses on.

And this is my new normal, this is what my life looks like right now, it’s not super glamorous, but it is beautiful, its messy its crazy and I’m in love with it.  I realized that while I might not be accomplishing as much on my “professional side” I am accomplishing beyond what I would imagine at home.  We are making it work, creating a life that is worth everything.   My kids only see the good side, they have often told me that they have had the “best days ever” lately (even in the middle of a chaos.  And that is what I want my new normal life to be all about.

Photo by @Lily_ro   Robe Kimono by @dmodamia  Krista 's top: @hm_kids    Skirt: @folklorebk   Sabina's Dress: @folklorebk    Zixta's Romper :@folklorebk  

Photo by @Lily_ro   Robe Kimono by @dmodamia  Krista 's top: @hm_kids    Skirt: @folklorebk   Sabina's Dress: @folklorebk    Zixta's Romper :@folklorebk  


Eduardo’s 3rd Bday


Before you continue reading, let me first tell you that I am not big on kids bday parties.  So if you are here looking for Bday decor inspo or Bday themes, you can stop reading now. This post isn’t about how to go all out on your child’s 3rd Bday, but the complete opposite.  If you are the kind of mom who does a theme park every year to skip out on big bday parties, than this post is for you.

This year Eddie turned 3 and my husband and I had planned to spend the entire weekend at Disney.  We thought it would be a hassle free way to celebrate his bday. But after looking at our budget, we quickly realized spending the night at Disney’s California Grand hotel was out of the question.  We decided to do California Adventure for Saturday and invite my sisters, brother and my husbands moms for an impromptu get together.

I will say that my sons Bday was one of the most memorable days I’ve had with him.  I had so much fun with my siblings and the kids had a blast. The weather was beautiful, the food was great and everyone was chilled out.  I also loved having a photographer there, it allowed me to be more present and not worry so much about capturing that perfect Instagram moment.  It was the best decision ever! So what did I learn about this? I learned that all you need for a stress free Bday party are 5 things.

  1. Great Food - I Got party trays from Chichenitza and my sister brought cake from Paris Baguette

  2. Create a simple Photo Backdrop - I Bought Balloons and hero masks from Party City

  3. Be surrounded by the people you love talking to

  4. Have enough space for the kids to run around.

  5. Invest in a photographer - I had the fabulous Annie Vovan

Now, I am not saying that there’s anything wrong with doing the most for bday parties.  I wish I had more of that gene in me. But if the hosting thing doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t stress.  Don’t let the Instagram and Pinterest world get to you and your stress levels. Relax and know that there’s no greater gift than spending quality time with your child.  Don’t do it for others, do it for your babies.

And who knows, maybe I will eat all my words and next year host the grandest bday bash ever.  But for now, just having these memories stored in my hear (and my dropbox folder) will do :)





5 Tips to Staying in Love

cover love post .jpg

Falling in love is easy, but staying in love requires effort. Our philosophy is that prioritizing our relationships is just as important as motherhood. But we know that is easier said than done when we have young children who need us constantly.

Here are our 5 quick tips on how to stay in love!

1) Keep Dating Each Other: As much as you can, try to keep date nights with each other. Bricia says, “My husband and I love going to the Yardhouse and watching a movie whenever we can.” Even if you can’t leave the house for a date often, you can have dinner and a movie at home when the kids are asleep. It’s also about taking time to surprise each other in small ways like, ordering take-out from their favorite restaurant. Remember how you acted in the beginning? Keep that magic going as the years go by. It’s about not taking each other and your love for granted.

2) Pick Your Battles: This is easier said than done. We know. But give your partner a break. No one likes to feel like they are being criticized by their partner constantly, so prioritize what you will express and when you will do it. We are not encouraging you to stay silent about things that bother you, but always make sure you express concerns respectfully and at the appropriate times. Keep in mind the things you love about your partner rather than focusing on the things you don’t like. That goes a long way. You can’t change the other person but you can change your attitude and perspective about the behavior you find irritating. 

3) Choose Joy: Remember before the kids, before the house needed work done? When it was just two people in love? Keeping that feeling is all about your choice and attitude. One of our sisters, @TwoPlusLuna, recently told us about how she has a daily dance with her husband and sometimes their daughter joins in on the fun too! We love the idea of reconnecting with your partner through joy on a daily basis.

4) Create Things to Love Forward To: The same way that you plan ahead for retirement, you should plan ahead for things that excite you as a couple. Whether it’s taking a weekend getaway, or even dreaming about the places you want to visit together. Having dreams that are just yours is one way to keep your connection strong! Again remember, that aside from being parents you are still a couple and once the kids are grown and gone you will still be lovers. 

5) Forgive, Forgive and then Forgive Some More: We believe that long lasting relationships are not accidental or a matter of being “meant to be.” They are the product of effort from both parties, a decision to work on your relationship every day. A choice to disagree respectfully, and to always prioritize your partner above everything else. Forgiveness, is an integral part of this as your partner is on his/her own journey of self-discovery too. Recognize that you aren’t perfect and always focus on the good aspects of your relationship. It may not always be easy but it will always be worth it!

Vision Board Posada 2017: : Presented by Munchkin


We have been making Vision boards for years now.  The concept was first introduced to us by non-other than the Queen her self, Oprah.  And of course, when Oprah shares knowledge, all you can do is listen, learn and execute.  We hosted vision board parties at our home every year, inviting only a few close friends.  Everyone would bring magazines, wine and a few bites to eat.  We’d sit around the house, cutting and glue-ing away.  There was no right or wrong way to create your vision board, but all we said to our friends was this:

“Let your inner voice guide you because deep inside you know what sort of things are meant to be yours. Be bold, allow yourself to trust your inner voice and don’t over think.  Let the images call out to you, cut them and place them on that board.”

We would then put that board anywhere we knew it would be visible to us every day.  The amount of visions that came true were magical.  And just like that, the idea of creating a Vision Board night for our Super Mamas sisters came to us the same way, like magic.  

Our first year, we presented the idea to Munchkin and they were absolutely ecstatic. They loved the idea and said YES right away.  We gathered 50 sisters and had the best of night.  This year, we knew we had to outdo ourselves.  We didn’t know how, but we did!  We called on our design hero @harlowplanning who created a design concept that we fell in love with.  We saw the night come together, again, like magic.

On December 14th 2017, the magic flowed through the Munchkin Headquarters with 75 of our sisters again.  All of us worked on our 2018 vision boards, enjoyed the best food, connected with other sisters and left inspired, charged and ready to take on the new year.  We also presented our first-ever Super Mamas Sister of the Year Award.  We honored Dulce Candy because she was a catalyst in giving us the courage to take on this Super Mamas journey.  We have watched her videos for years and witnessed her career take off right before our eyes while always encouraging others (and us) to follow our own dreams.  She received the award and of course, there wasn’t one dry eye in the room.

This time around, we had some of our sisters share their vision boards.  Every single person in the room was moved.  There was a spirit present that is hard to explain, but in our hearts we knew everyone walked out certain of themselves and of what 2018 is bound to bring them. 

Thank you all who joined us, the response was unbelievable.  The night sold out in less than three minutes!  If you couldn’t secure a spot, we encourage you to gather your friends and host your own vision board night. And please, keep us posted on visions that have come to fruition for you.  We love listening to your magic moments.  Here’s to a blessed 2018 sisters!!!

A few special shout outs to those who made this night a reality:

Presenting Sponsor : Munchkin

Sister Sponsor: Yoobi

Design/Planning @harlowplanning

Photography @lilyro_

Florals @floralsbyisabelle

Macrame design @theshiftcreative

Rentals @247events

Furniture @circarentals